Addressing challenges with new electricity sales regulations

Electricity suppliers and sales offices are facing new challenges following the introduction of new rules for the sale of electricity contracts after July 1, 2024.
July 2024.
Nextcom has developed an innovative solution to ensure that the sales process remains efficient and complies with the new legal requirements.

The Norwegian government’s new legal requirements that came into force from 1. July 2024 will make it easier for consumers to navigate the electricity market. The purpose of the changes is to make the electricity market more consumer-friendly. One of the changes is the introduction of a 24-hour “cooling-off period” when selling electricity contracts by telephone, door-to-door sales, stands and in stores. This rule means that consumers cannot approve a switch to a new electricity supplier until 24 hours have passed after the sale. This has created significant logistical challenges for electricity suppliers and sales offices.

How can these challenges be solved effectively?

New CRM solution maintains sales and complies with legal requirements

Nextcom has further developed the sales and service module to address this issue. The solution offers a structured and user-friendly function that not only complies with the new rules, but also optimizes the sales process for electricity suppliers and sales offices.

Can be used independently of your existing system

The solution can be used, even if you have a CRM system other than Nextcom, either as a stand-alone or in integration with one or more other systems.

How does Nextcom’s solution work?

The solution is based on communication with the customer both during the sales process and automatic follow-up 24 hours later. Here are the main features:

Instant offer and link: Once the seller completes the sale, an offer package and a unique link are instantly sent to the customer via email and SMS. This enables the customer to review the deal at their convenience.

If the customer attempts to confirm before 24 hours have elapsed, they will receive a notification stating that confirmation cannot occur until after this period, along with a reminder that will be sent as soon as they are able to confirm.

Reminder after 24 hours: After the 24-hour cooling-off period is over, the customer receives a reminder with confirmation options via SMS. This ensures that the customer has had sufficient time to consider the deal before making a final decision and that the customer remembers to sign whenever possible.

Complete logging and reporting: All interactions, including sending quotes, customer acceptance, and notifications after the cooling-off period, are accurately logged in Nextcom’s system. This gives sales agencies and utilities full visibility and control over every deal that is made.

At the same time, this provides a basis for accurate documentation in the event of an inspection.

Documents coming out from PC
Fredrik Olsen, Nextcom

Taking responsibility seriously

Nextcom’s solution can simplify the management of regulatory requirements while improving efficiency and customer experience. By offering an integrated solution that ensures compliance, logging and better control, we are setting a new standard for how complex challenges can be solved in an innovative and responsible way.

Fredrik Olsen, General Manager of Nextcom Norway, states: “We take our responsibility in the industry seriously by actively engaging with new legislation and solving challenges for our customers. Our solution helps to make it easier for sales agencies and electricity suppliers to adapt to the new rules, while maintaining high ethical standards.”

Try it for free

With Nextcom’s solution, you are equipped to meet the new challenges with confidence and efficiency, while maintaining high standards of customer service and regulatory compliance.

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