Predictive dialing
Sales consultants spend an average of 30 seconds manually dialing a phone number. Often, they encounter voicemail or no response. With predictive dialing, the system handles the dialing, allowing consultants to focus on selling.
Efficiency from home offices
Predictive dialing makes it easy for customer service agents and salespeople to stay efficient, even while working from home. All that’s needed is a PC, a headset, and an internet connection.
Nextcom Predictive Dialer – the market’s most advanced dialer system
What is a predictive dialer?
A predictive dialer is an automated software system that dials multiple numbers from a list simultaneously. The system recognizes busy signals, no answers, and voicemail, and connects the call to the agent when a customer answers. It takes less than a second from the time the customer answers until they are connected to the agent.
The advantage is that the agent doesn’t dial the number manually but waits for the call to be connected. This increases effective talk time and eliminates the time an agent spends dialing new customers and waiting for an answer.

One system – many advantages
Increased sales
With predictive dialing, the system does the work, allowing the agent to focus on selling.
Increased efficiency
The system increases effective talk time and eliminates the time an agent spends dialing new customers and waiting for a response.
The system automatically adjusts the configuration on its own. You don’t need a separate person to ensure optimization.
Low drop rate
Algorithms weigh the different necessary parameters, and the system automatically adjusts the dialing speed.
User friendly
The system is user-friendly and easy to learn. The plug-and-play solution allows you to be up and running in just a few minutes.
Low drop rate
What happens if the robot dials too many calls and there aren’t enough agents available to take the calls? This results in what we call a “drop,” meaning there is no one to assist the customer on the other end, and the customer will hang up.
This naturally creates a poor customer experience. The goal is always to keep the drop rate as low as possible and below 3%.
Regulates on its own
A high drop rate is often caused by misconfigured dialers due to following fixed settings, unless there is a dedicated person to handle the configuration. Nextcom’s unique functionality ensures that:
- The system regulates the configuration on its own
- The algorithm weighs different parameters
- The system automatically adjusts the speed
- You get reduced operational costs
User friendly
Nextcom Predictive Dialing is user-friendly and easy to learn. Not least, it’s simple to get started. With the plug-and-play solution, you can be up and running with the market’s most advanced dialer system in just a few minutes.
Power dialing
The system can easily be configured to function as a power dialer. With power dialing, the system dials only one number at a time per agent. When an agent finishes a call, the system automatically dials a new customer. This ensures that the agent is available when the customer answers, avoiding the challenge of drop rates. Power dialing is ideal for smaller call lists, moderate call volumes, and when customer experience is the top priority.